Saturday, May 2, 2020

10 Must Haves for Solo Traveling

Last time we talked about your first solo road trip, and before then about how your walk is your most important asset when traveling by yourself. So, what about the whole of your trip, regardless of if you're traveling by car, bus, train, or plane? What other things are important for safety, comfort, and saving cash?

Well, here's a list! Now most of these items will be geared toward women, but there's plenty here for men too. This isn't just a list of physical things you should bring with you, it's also an extensive list of skills that you should adopt or simply take a basic training in.

Everything listed below is something that I have tried or used firsthand so that you, dear readers, can be assured that I know what I'm talking about. Now there are going to be other hacks and techniques out there that I haven't listed, but if you have some feedback or suggestions, please feel free to leave me some comments, I'd love to hear your feedback!

Learn How to Defend Yourself

While this list is in random order, this is definitely the first and most important point. And the lengthiest.

The moment you make a choice to travel by yourself, especially outside of the country, find a class that teaches self-defense. I don't care if I'm beginning to sound redundant at this point, but I will say it again: your safety is most important. And when you're out in the world by yourself, you must be ready to protect yourself anywhere and everywhere.

In my post about developing a strong walk, I made a point to be aware of your surroundings and to not be distracted. That is merely the first step in keeping yourself safer. The next step would be to take the time to learn at least basic hand-to-hand combat so that you can give yourself a fighting chance. You don't need to go out and earn yourself a black belt in a form of martial arts, you just need to learn what to do if you find yourself in a hazardous situation. Here are a few things you can do to give yourself a hidden edge against anyone who may want to take advantage of you.

Before I go on though, I would like to acknowledge that you can find many of these classes for free on YouTube. While they do help, going to a physical class and not only having your instructor or sensei show you in person what you need to do and having you partner with someone else in the class to practice is the experience you need. There's only so much a good YouTube video can teach you.

Women's Self-Defense

This is the most likely option available out for women to take, and likely cheaper. A good women's self-defense class will not only teach you how to fight defensively, but it will implement several other subjects that you wouldn't normally take into consideration.


One of the best ways an assailant can overpower anyone at all is to get them on the ground, especially women. Usually the first thing an effective instructor will teach their students is how to fall properly. When thrown to the ground unexpectedly, you can expect to be temporarily disabled with the amount of force slamming into your back, or worse, your head. If your head is struck, you could not only be dazed, you could suffer a concussion or lose consciousness altogether.

By teaching you how to fall properly, your instructor will help ingrain into your head the ability to take a fall regardless of it being an attack or a simple trip. They will teach you how to turn your body so to take the least amount of damage, how to absorb the shock of your body hitting the ground, and how to keep your head up. That last one has stayed with my all my life and now it's almost natural for me to raise my head up if I even feel like I'm starting to slip and fall.


Even if you learn how to fall properly so the minimize any damage you may take, you may still find yourself very quickly with your assailant trying to pin you down. An effective instructor will teach you basic wrestling moves and holds so that you can escape. They will take into consideration your size and weight up against a likely bigger person and show you the necessary moves you can use on a person of any body type or training.

But you won't look like this.

One of my favorite movie scenes of late is the scene from the new Tomb Raider movie where Lara Croft has her first kill. Lara does have some combat training, but she is overpowered by a man who is stronger than her and has more training than she does. The clincher of her overpowering this man is how she is able to wrestle her way into the aggressor position and eventually kill him. If you want to see a movie realistically (gasp!) show how wrestling can save your life, then check this scene out.

But of course, in the real world the goal is to survive, so don't end it the way Lara did.

Pressure points and places to hit

Your instructor will make a point of doing what you must to escape from your predators and show the fastest way of doing so. We all know the comedic affects that a good groin kick can to do men, though it is also effective with women, especially if it's their time of the month. Never thought of that one, did ya?

You can research this one yourself, but a self-defense instructor will demonstrate to you the places in real time so that you have a more visceral reaction. If you're a physical or kinesthetic learner, being in a class environment learning about these areas is invaluable. Some instructors have been known to deal a non-damaging kidney shot (with your consent, of course) so that you can experience for yourself the pain you can cause by the simplest strike to the right spot. There is nowhere else you can have that properly done in a safe place if it's something you agree to have done.

Other things you would learn about would be to use anything and everything to fight back against an attacker. In the previous clip from Tomb Raider you'll remember that Lara was able to get the edge on her attacker when she grabbed a rock and hit him in the head. Learning how to use any item to your advantage can sometimes be covered in your classes depending on your instructor.

Extreme measures

Most instructors out there will have a final exam of sorts in which you'll need to demonstrate what you've learned. This will often have them pairing you with another student or even a group and creating a scenario where you are the aggressor and your partner need to defend themselves, or vice versa.

However, sometimes they can be especially sneaky in ensuring that you've learned what you need to properly defend yourself. I had an ex-boyfriend whose mom took a class where, in order to pass, the students went outside the studio where the instructors hid and would spring out and pretend to attack the student when they were least expecting it so that they would have to rely on what they just learned. Of course, this was done in a professional manner so the students weren't in any danger, but this is a more extreme measure that some instructors will take.

Always remember that a good instructor has your safety at the forefront of their teachings. If they chose to be that extreme, they will do everything they can to ensure that no harm comes to you. Make sure to do your research on the best instructors in your area and find one that meets your comfort level.


This is another easily accessible form of combat that has more perks that you'd think. In addition to teaching you how to fight methodically, properly punch inflicting the most amount of damage while taking minimal damage yourself, and light movements to help you evade attacks, it also focuses on your stance. A boxer's stance is just as important as the blows they land.

Focusing on your stance assists you in self-defense as it will help you to keep your balance as you keep yourself protected from any blows coming toward you. I've mentioned how important balance is when you walk in a previous post, as well as at the beginning of this section, and the same concept goes toward any situation where you may be in danger. Boxing lessons will help you to stay on your feet as long as you are physically possible. For more thorough information on the benefits on having a good stance is in combat, check out this website.

If you'd like a demonstration of how boxing does give you an edge, check out this clip of a boxer I'm acquainted with, Mike "The Menace" Guy, as he makes his debut in the MMA ring. His opponent, Tramain Smith, has far more experience, but Mike has the power and the footwork. Mike's win shows how a properly trained boxer can edge out over someone who appears to have the advantage.


Kenpo is the martial art of choice for actors and stunt performers. This form utilizes the typical punches and kicks you would expect from any form of martial arts, but this one is different because the fighters react to one another. When studying any form of combat, most will focus just on the actions and the damage you can deal. Kenpo, on the other hand, is taught where your opponent is trained to react in a realistic fashion.

Be forewarned, in order to react in such a way, you will need to be prepared to take more blows here than when training in different forms. However, the kenpo style does take into consideration that human reactions will be different from what an instructor will generally teach and does their part to best prepare their students for the reality of self-defense.

These classes may be harder to come by and a little more costly, but everyone I've spoken to has highly recommended it.


Escrima and karate are the two forms of combat I have the most training in. Escrima is a Filipino form of martial arts, also referred to as kali or arnis de mano, that focuses on close hand-to-hand combat with the intention of disarming the assailant. Many of these techniques use the simplest method of just slapping the assailant's hands away.

This form is also opened to learning how to fight with a knife, a single stick, a staff, or duel-wield sticks, which will eventually upgrade to machetes if you train hard enough. Although it's unlikely that you'll find yourself in a melee weapon situation, this form focuses on angles of attack. If you find yourself in a situation where you do have to grab something near you as a weapon, the tactics that escrima employs with their angles and physical positioning can help you deal the most damage.

For more information regarding the benefits of escrima, check out this website.

Be ready to make a fool of yourself

One of the best ways to avoid trouble at all is to just go crazy and bring attention to yourself. In my blog about walking aggressively I mentioned the perks of skipping to confuse your potential attacker. This is also a tactic to bring people's attention to you. If you make a lot of noise, act like a cartoon character, or even dance in the street it will make people notice you. An attacker is less likely to follow through on his target if there are people focusing on them, especially with social media influencing people across the world to take out their phones to record odd behavior. The odds are extremely high that if you make a scene of some kind, someone will record you doing it, and you can use that to your advantage!

Interestingly, I've heard stories of women who started loudly singing songs from church that managed to scare off the men who were following them. If you aren't familiar with any church songs, maybe learn something as simple as "Jesus Loves Me" just to be in the safe side.

Most importantly: get out of there!

The main point of self-defense is to do what you must so that you can escape your assailant. My first self defense instructor made it 100% clear what needs to be done once you have incapacitated or dazed your attacker: "run away, run away, RUN AWAY."

Learning any of the above martial arts or combat styles to its fullest is a worthy endeavor and I would highly recommend it, but when it comes to travel, just know what you need to so that you can effectively escape. Learn what you have to, and if you choose to continue pursuing it, do so. But for the short term, just learn enough to make it count.

Drive a Manual Transmission

Truly, American drivers have lost a great skill. The majority of other countries use manual transmission cars over automatic, whereas in the States almost everything is automatic. I drove a manual transmission for over 10 years and had no idea I would need those skills when I first went to Ireland.

My Ireland trip had been booked through Groupon and it included in the vacation package a rental car. Since my sister had never driven a manual transmission before, and this was a rental, all the driving was left up to me.

Other side of the street!

When traveling solo, make sure you know how you're going to get around. Public transportation is normally the best way, but you may want to get around by driving since you will have full control over where you want to go and your schedule. If you opt to drive, learn to drive stick before you go. Automatics are available in other countries, but they are usually in low demand and can cost more. 

Make sure that if you do learn to drive a stick to allow yourself at least 6 month's worth of driving experience before your trip. In my experience, some of the rentals you can get may work oddly and having more training with a manual is far better than having just learned. Especially if you're going to be driving on the opposite side of the road!

Also, roundabouts! They may be becoming more popular in the States, but they have been highly utilized in other countries. If you know of any in your area, practice driving those too!

And if you're going to a country where they drive on the opposite side of the road, well...there really isn't much you can do about that here in the States. However, the next best thing you can do is practice on one-way streets and keeping to the left-hand lane as much as possible. It won't give you the exact experience you may need but it's something.

Witch Hazel

Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you should skimp on your skin regimen. But...what if there was a miracle elixir that did more than just cleanse your face, but took care of other potential problems?

Look no further than your grocery store and buy a bottle of witch hazel! If you take a look at the active ingredients of most facial toners, the number one ingredient after water is witch hazel. Not only do you get far more toner for your money's worth, witch hazel provides several other major uses that help with your well-being and even minor first aid!

Here are some of the other issues that witch hazel can rapidly assist with while you're traveling:



Minor bug bites


Small cuts


These are the issues that you will most likely encounter while traveling. Isn't it amazing that one little astringent can do so much? And this list isn't even everything! Here's a list of 40 uses for witch hazel and why you should bring at least 30 ml. worth with you when you're traveling.

Quality Shoes and Insoles

Guess what you'll be doing for most of your traveling? Walking. Even if you rent a car, you'll still be going to sites wherever you've traveled to and be on your feet for at least an hour, probably more. And let me tell you, nothing will ruin your trip faster than if you have a lousy pair of shoes.

The first time I went to Ireland, I bought a pair of shoes that appeared to be a good type for travel. I made sure to break them in before I left, but I apparently didn't walk in them long enough. It was also around this time that I unknowingly developed plantar fasciitis.


Those shoes didn't offer the right type of arch support, and after my sister and I hiked along the Cliffs of Moher trail from Hag's Head to the visitor's center, I began noticing a pain in my feet unlike anything I'd ever experienced that made it difficult for me to walk. Thankfully, I'd brought along a spare pair of flats with decent arch support, and they helped, but they weren't made for hiking or walking long distances. So, I kept wearing the other shoes when exploring and had horrible pain in my feet and lower back. My trip was nearly ruined because it hurt so much to walk!

It wasn't until I went to a doctor that I learned I had plantar fasciitis and had to switch to quality shoes and insoles that I realized how important footwear is, especially when you're traveling. Nothing will cause more frustration when you're traveling on your own than having to deal with foot pain that can be avoided.

So ladies, this one's for you: buy the quality shoes before you leave.

Now I'm not saying buy the cutest shoes you can get; I'm saying buy the best quality shoes you can find. What you'll want in a good pair of shoes to travel in are the arch support, strong tread to keep you from slipping all over the place (especially if you're going somewhere temperate with rain year-round), and durability so that they can withstand all the elements.

My personal favorite shoes are Salomon X Ultra 3 Mid GTX Hiking Boots. I found these boots when I went to REI and I would recommend going there to find the right shoes and boots for your trip. If you already know where you're going to be vacationing, like Switzerland, talk to a shoe representative at REI or any other sport equipment store and they can help you find an appropriate shoe for that type of terrain.

And now for the insoles. If the shoes you have or purchased already have good arch support then you can probably skip insoles, but I personally would still say go the extra mile and buy them regardless. And I'm not talking about Dr. Scholl's inserts, I mean high quality insoles that not only have the support you need, but also cushioning. If you would like to have a look at the different types available, you can check here. I prefer The Walking Company but it's up to you to determine what's best for your feet.

The point is that you're going to be on your feet a lot. On my two weeks traveling NYC and Europe, I walked 117.42 miles, which comes out to walking an average of 8.39 miles per day. I will say it again: nothing will ruin your trip faster than foot pain. Pay the extra money for good quality shoes and insoles. It's worth it to have comfortable footwear when you're on your own!

Rock those shoes!

And, for the record, do bring along a cute pair of shoes for when you're going out to enjoy the night life. 

Dry Shampoo

This isn't just a travel hack, this is a life hack. Dry shampoo is a Godsend because, in addition to saving time washing and drying your hair, it also acts as a deodorizer!

First of all, when traveling, you want to do as much as you can wherever you are, so you need to find ways of cutting time. Dry shampoo is the perfect way of doing that because often hats will only take you so far before your hair is clearly greasy. Using dry shampoo instead of washing your hair every 1-2 days takes only about 2-3 minutes, as opposed to however long it takes you to wash your hair depending on its length and texture, and whether or not you allow your hair to dry with a blow dryer or naturally.

So now, what's this business about it being a deodorizer? Well, when I went to Europe last year, I happened to go in the middle of the massive heat wave sweeping through Europe and I was in Florence, Italy at the time. I wound up sweating far more than I thought I would and since there was no laundry services at any of the areas we were stopping, I had a serious problem!

Then it hit me: my dry shampoo! I quickly sprayed it on a few articles of clothing, and viola! The smell was virtually gone! Even better, when I wore the shorts I'd spritzed the day before, the odor was STILL masked since the dry shampoo also prevented the bad smells from returning!

Pack at least one full-length size of odorless dry shampoo if you're traveling with a stow-away suitcase, or a minimum of two travel-sized canisters if your luggage will be carry-on. Some of these brands come with very potent aromas, which isn't necessarily bad, but when traveling you want to keep the strong scents to a minimum. Believe me, after seeing firsthand how wonderfully this product works while traveling, you'll start carrying it with you for everyday life!

Wet Wipes

This one won't be as important now that all airlines and buses are taking new measures to ensure that they employ sanitary travel conditions, but it is still something you should bring. Bringing wet wipes like Wet Ones or even baby wipes can help to give you a little more piece of mind when it comes to traveling.

One thing I would use wet wipes on would be the food trays on airplanes. I wouldn't just clean the tray; I would clean the back of the seat in front of me where the tray rested because there was usually some food residue there.

Another reason to bring them would be for the same reason as the dry shampoo: saving time when you get sticky. When I get off the plane or a long bus or car ride, I like bringing the wet wipes to sponge myself off, especially when there aren't any showers nearby. They can at least help you get decently refreshed until you find the opportunity to rinse off.

Messenger Bag

I don't know if you've heard this before, but one of the biggest issues for tourists anywhere is pickpockets. They can be exceptionally skilled in nipping off with your wallet in crowded areas, public transit, or even if someone just corners you on the street to chat about charities or trying to sell you souvenirs.

In many countries, people can be specially trained to make a living at stealing the money and personal information from anywhere on a person and especially the bags they have. No purse or bag is completely thief-proof, but one of the best bags to bring with you as a defense against pickpockets is a messenger bag. Messenger bags are generally worn with the strap across the body and can be easily slid onto the lap for you to keep it physically away from anyone sitting next to you.

This gif may be directed at gents, but this goes for everyone!

Take a look at the gif above for a perfect example of a messenger that is ideal for solo traveling: the long strap that goes across the body, the locking flap over the bag's opening, and the sides can often have spaces for water bottles. On the inside, there are usually several pockets or compartments and plenty of space for what personal affects you want to bring with you or to leave extra room for any trinkets you may want to buy. Or snacks, those are always important!

As stated, you can easily slip the messenger bag onto your lap when sitting or directly in front of you if standing so that you can protect it yourself. Of all the bags or purses you can bring, the messenger bag is the most secure. If you're looking for ideas on good messenger bags, a few brands I can recommend include Puma, Timbuk2, and Police Gear. If you want to browse for yourself, I highly suggest selecting one that has a water bottle pocket.

But wait, what about totes and purses? I would skip the tote altogether because that one would be quite easy to break into. As for purses, I would say bring one, but find one with a long and adjustable strap so that you can wear it across your body like you do a messenger bag. It may not be as secure, but hey, you're probably going to visit some nicer restaurants and venues where a purse is much preferable for your outfit.

And what about backpacks? Honestly, nothing will make you stand out as a tourist more than a backpack. With it being on your back, it can be easily opened from behind with you none the wiser. Bring one with you for storage if you're flying and use it to pack your messenger bag in, but unless you'll be hiking at any point on your trip only use it for extra space and do not wear it in public.

A Plastic Sheet Case

You probably have one of these things hanging around your house, or if you don't, you probably have some friends who do, especially if they have kids with twin or bunk beds. The reason why you'll want one of these is because it is the best means of carrying all of your makeup and toiletries.

Yes, there are makeup bags you can bring, but a plastic sheet case securely closes with a zipper and can contain any liquids that may leak or even explode. Even better is that they're clear, so if you're flying with carry-on luggage, you don't have to empty it out into a plastic baggy for TSA to inspect! It saves time, keeps your items dry, and it's easy to clean for multiple trips!

Seriously, who knew you could upcycle such a random item?

A Bikini

Yes, you read that right.

Now I don't mean that you should bring a bikini strictly for the use of swimming. If you're like me and prefer one piece suits, that is totally fine. The thing about bikinis though is that they can double as underwear.

Swimsuits overall are made from synthetic materials that dry very quickly, whereas most underwear is made of natural fibers like cotton, which takes longer to dry (I made a similar point with workout pants in my last post). You probably already knew that but take into consideration the weather where you'll be visiting. I already mentioned being in Italy during that heat wave; before then, I'd been in New York when they'd had record high humidity. It was so brutal that I'd switched to wearing a sports bra. Once I got to Italy and found it almost as humid, my first instinct was to buy a bikini for the reasons I've listed.

In the end I didn't, and that was a mistake on my end. If I had, I probably would have been far more comfortable in that insane heat. Lesson learned!

You may ask why a regular one-piece swimsuit wouldn't work but take a moment to really think that one over. That's just a bad idea. If you want to go swimming and are more comfortable in a one piece, bring that along for swimming only. Or, if you prefer, you can try a tankini instead, though it would work better under baggier clothing or if you're traveling to a colder country. And a sports bra is a good alternative.

Still, I highly recommend the bikini as an underwear substitute. It can also be hand washed and dries quickly!

A Wedding Ring

Creeps are everywhere.

However, if there's one thing that many men across the world understand, it's that a woman wearing a wedding ring is off limits. There will be slime balls who will still try to seduce married women or ones wearing rings, but as long as you have a ring on that one finger you should draw fewer creeps.

You don't need to find yourself some fake rock at a pawn shop or thrift store, all you need is a simple band to go on your finger. If you're going to a poorer country, go for a simple metal band for the same effect that will also prevent thieves from trying to steal it from you as they're known to go for previous jewelry.

For me, I wear a claddagh ring on my right hand. If need be, I will switch it to my left. Even if you're not a fan of wearing jewelry at all, bring a simple band just to be on the safe side.

Bonus: Highly recommended but not must haves

Water Bottles

Remember how I mentioned water bottle pockets in messenger bags? Bringing your own water bottle is one of the most highly recommended items for travelers. Now tourist areas are going to have plenty of kiosks and peddlers selling water bottles, but they will be in plastic bottles that aren't reusable and can be ridiculously priced depending on how hot the area you're traveling is. And when you're finished with your bottle, you now have to dispose of that bottle, and who knows if there's a recycle bin nearby?

In order to save cash and waste, bring your own water bottle and fill up wherever you can. My personal favorite brand is Contigo because it can survive being dropped (due to my personal klutziness), it has a protective spout, is BPA free, and has a straw on the inside. Also, remember how I mentioned back in the self-defense portion about using whatever items you can to defend yourself? A solid water bottle is just the thing!

Immune System Boosters

I don't know about you, but whenever I travel, I tend to get sick afterwards, or sometimes even during my trip. This is also likely to happen if you travel with a group of people in a bus, or if you're on an airplane and some moron won't cover their mouth when they cough, causing their germs to circulate throughout the cabin.

Even if you have a solid immune system, I would still bring boosters with you and start taking them if you spend a good deal of time near someone who is coughing or sneezing too much. There's Airborne, Emergen-C and Zinc supplements you can bring, and the one I just discovered: Sambucol.

Sambucol is primarily made from elderberries which, aside from being primarily known for its application in one of the funniest movie lines ever, is high in antioxidants. When I traveled to Scotland, I suffered from horrid allergies due to being allergic to something in the air out there, but at the time I feared I was getting sick. I went to a bar and asked one of the bartenders if she could make something for me to help, and all she did was heat up some elderberry juice for me. Although that was the only time I was able to have any on the trip, it most certainly did the trick for me for at least an hour while I explored Edinburgh, which is why I tried Sambucol when I saw it on the shelves at my local grocery store.

Oh come on, I couldn't reference the line without this!

Traveling while sick is almost as annoying as traveling with foot pain, and with this fracking pandemic going on, tourists will probably be encouraged to bring supplements with them from now on. So, bring them if only to give yourself peace of mind.

Toothbrush Protector 

I'm sure you already plan to bring one of these for your toothbrush anyways, but did you know there's something else you can put in a protector for safe transport?

How about makeup brushes?

I had an epiphany!

I'm not one for bringing a lot of makeup when I travel. I prefer to only bring a small eye shadow palate, mascara, a natural colored lipstick and sometimes foundation. If you want to bring a larger eye shadow palate or blush and need to pack to appropriate brushes, certain sizes can fit conveniently in a toothbrush protector!

Not only will your brushes be safe from being crushed, but if you need to rinse them off at all, they have those small holes so that they can dry out. Even better, they're super cheap too!

And now you're prepared!

So now you know some of the best things I personally have found to have and/or bring with me when solo traveling. One of the things about solo travel is that it does prepare you to adapt to your situations, and you never know what kind of solutions you'll personally come up with when you find yourself on your own.

Something to take into consideration as well is that you will always be adapting when traveling on your own. I will probably come up with new must haves and hacks in my next adventures, and other solo travelers have probably come up with their own tactics. If you have any tips, feel free to comment below.

In the meantime, I would like to thank my friend Jon for his help with the self-defense section. Coming up next, since everyone's affected by a lack of income by this quarantine, I'll be going over ways you can save up for your solo trip without going broke.

Stay safe out there!

Images courtesy of Giphy